How To Store Gel Blaster Balls? A Step-By-Step Guide

Hey there, fellow gel blaster enthusiasts! As an experienced gel blaster player, I understand the importance of proper gel blaster ball storage. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, knowing how to store your gel blaster balls correctly is crucial for maintaining their quality and performance. In this comprehensive guide, I will share my knowledge and provide you with a step-by-step process to ensure your gel blaster balls stay in top-notch condition.

How to store gel blaster balls

Understanding Gel Blaster Balls

Before we dive into storage techniques, it's important to have a basic understanding of gel blaster balls. These small, water-absorbent polymer beads are commonly used as ammunition in gel blaster guns. After hydration, Orbeez beads grow to various sizes, typically ranging from 7-8 mm in diameter (for gel blaster guns), and are designed to expand upon contact with water, providing a safe and satisfying impact when fired.

Why Proper Storage Matters

Storing gel blaster balls correctly is essential to maintain their quality and performance. Improper storage can lead to issues such as deformation, shrinking, or drying out, which can negatively affect their expansion and shooting accuracy. To ensure optimal performance and prolong their lifespan, follow these guidelines.

Step-by-Step Guide to Storing Gel Blaster Balls

Here's a detailed step-by-step guide to help you store your gel blaster balls effectively:

Step 1: Gather the necessary supplies

  •  Airtight containers: Choose containers that are moisture-resistant and airtight to prevent evaporation and moisture absorption.
  • Silica gel packets: These small desiccants help absorb excess moisture and maintain the dryness of the gel blaster balls.
  • Labeling materials: Use labels or markers to mark and identify different types of gel blaster balls, especially if you have multiple variations.

Step 2: Prepare the containers

  • Clean and dry the containers thoroughly before use to ensure no contaminants are present.
  • Ensure the containers are completely airtight and do not allow any moisture or air to enter.

Step 3: Sort and organize the gel blaster balls

  • Sort the gel blaster balls by type, size, and brand if you have a variety.
  • Place them in separate containers or use dividers within a larger container to keep them organized.

Step 4: Add silica gel packets

  • Place a few silica gel packets in each container to help absorb any excess moisture and maintain the dryness of the gel blaster balls.
  • The number of silica gel packets required depends on the size of the container and the quantity of gel blaster balls stored.

Step 5: Seal the containers

  • Ensure the containers are sealed tightly to prevent moisture or air from entering.
  • Double-check the seal to ensure no leaks or gaps are present.

Step 6: Store in a cool, dry place

  • Find a storage location that is away from direct sunlight, humidity, and extreme temperatures.
  • Aim for a cool and dry area to maintain the integrity of the gel blaster balls.

Step 7: Regularly inspect and rotate

  • Periodically check the containers for any signs of moisture or damage.
  • Rotate the gel blaster balls by gently shaking or turning the containers to prevent settling or clumping.

Additional Tips for Gel Blaster Ball Storage

Here are a few extra tips to enhance your gel blaster ball storage experience:

  • Avoid storing gel blaster balls near sources of heat or moisture, as these can affect their quality and performance.
  • If you live in a particularly humid area, consider using a dehumidifier or silica gel dehumidifier boxes in your storage area to maintain optimal humidity levels and prevent moisture buildup.
  • Avoid exposing gel blaster balls to extreme temperatures, as this can cause them to shrink or expand, affecting their performance.
  • Store gel blaster balls away from chemicals, solvents, or cleaning agents, as these substances can damage the integrity of the balls.
  • Regularly inspect the gel blaster balls for any signs of degradation, such as discoloration or brittleness. If you notice any issues, it's best to replace them with fresh ones.
  • If you have gel blaster balls that are no longer suitable for gameplay due to age or quality, consider repurposing them for other non-gaming activities such as gardening or arts and crafts. They can be used as plant hydration beads or for sensory play.
  • Maintain a record of the storage date and any additional notes for each container to keep track of the lifespan and performance of your gel blaster balls.


Proper storage of gel blaster balls is essential for maintaining their quality, performance, and longevity. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this blog post, you can ensure that your gel blaster balls remain in top-notch condition for your future gaming adventures. 

Remember to keep them in airtight containers, use silica gel packets to absorb excess moisture, and store them in a cool, dry place. By taking these simple steps, you'll be able to enjoy consistent performance and maximize the lifespan of your gel blaster balls. Happy gel blasting!


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